Wednesday, October 6, 2010



Monday, September 6, 2010


This is the end... of my time writing here.
I refuse
To be subject to the forces of habit
To be pulled back in like the tide
To give up like some weak-willed wuss
Or to be bullied into saying what I should say

Because regardless of what vocabulary I have
What I choose to say is what is going on in my head
And when I say it
It means
Who I am.

And sometimes you need that period
At the end of a sentence
For finality
Because sometimes leaving it too open ended
Leaves too much room for misinterpretation
This is something that needs to be understood clearly:

I've felt every way possible about this
There's not an option I haven't tested
Not a rocket I haven't seen come crashing down
But still nothing to show for it

Not much has changed and I wish it would
Ten months ago I was wishing myself out of a rut
Now I'm in it
A new one
And I want out again

So I can discover a new rut
To get caught in
Lost in
And re-found
Not just a rebound
Feeling like I should reread this
To see how it sounds
Feeling awkward 'cause somethings rhyme
And others just plain don't

As if looking over what I've already touched on
Was gonna help me discover what my next subject is
Sometimes you gotta ignore where you've been
And accept you're going someplace entirely different

So I dare myself to shut it out
And just say whatever non-related bull that comes forth
And I dare myself to cope with a mix
Of the old
And the new
Because it is the cowards who try to define
Spaces of time
And box people into them too
And box emotions
And memories

Am I capable of letting this happen?
I'm ashamed of my reoccurring patterns
Like I said
I've tried everything

The worst part is the dependency
Which I'm showing right now
This horrible display of dysfunctionality
Apparently that's not a word
It should be.
That is me.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I used to ride the train home from Kindergarten at the same hour that the high schoolers took the 1 train back uptown. I was about... four feet, clinging to a pole and looking up at giants. There was a girl in skinny jeans and bright white Nikes. She had the most perfect curly hair that was always perfectly tousled and was wearing gold hoops, and a backpack thrown over her arm. The subway car would be packed in tight, so that everything was dark at my height - people's legs and bags. So I would just look up at her, with the perfect hair and the perfect look, surrounded by her girlfriends who were laughing, and she was laughing too, a big beautiful smile, with gum tucked in the back. And in front of her was some guy leaning against the subway door, flirting with her and she just kept laughing back. And these people were in some realm of superiority, which seemed like perfection, and where everyone should land in by the time they were teenagers. At that age, being a teenager, was one notch below a deity. It was a place I dreamed of, when I would be at the peak of life and freedom and identity. And beyond that, when I had my identity, I knew exactly who I would be. I wanted to be her.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


For some reason, this never made it up when it was written - May 6, 2010. Felt like sharing:
February was the last of the good old days
Before everyone went and changed their ways
I can't believe we have slipped into this phase
What happened to our innocent lunchtimes at Ray's?
Seems that sex has gotten everyone crazed
Taking full advantage of the world that we made

But it's not just a gain
Apparently it's a trade
Because in exchange
We are losing things
And which one is better?
It's hard to say
I'm just looking up at quotes
From last February

I'm feeling nostolgic
Cuz though times are great
I also have time to appreciate
When the weather was cold
There were sweet couples
We had principles
Not just hooking up with people
There was hope and chance
Actual romance
And comparitively things were so relaxed
Or maybe I'm just mourning lost time
And judging motives
Since I have lost mine.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


When the world falls alseep, why am I still sitting here expecting confetti to burst up over my computer screen? Why do I check my silent cell phone? If I've been caught up in a tornado all night, is this just me suffering from the shock of the end of the wind? Or maybe it's just pure insomnia, or abuse of caffiene. Nevertheless, here I sit, watching night breathe on. Love songs play from YouTube, with no meaning other than the soft tune they put into the room.
As I stare at green digital numbers, I can feel time dripping down on me, and I start to feel layers disappear. Tonight is not just tonight - it's every night I've been awake in the middle of the morning, wondering if I'm about to fall out, or if I'll see the sunrise this time. Everytime I've been worried, or blissful, overly contemplative or scared. Any time I have held this vigil, 2am on Fort Washington Avenue. I start to realize I'm staring at the same pencil-smudged plaster and paint I stared at years ago, and signed my name and pledges of love. Written like prisioners' wall carvings to prove that I was once there, in a different form. Of all the things that have changed, I still find myself in the same room, awake, absorbing night's gravity.
And then when the sunrises the purity of the dawn will shine off of urban windows and in faint ways around red and brown bricks. And I will feel every morning I've ever lived, the cold ones and the warm ones. I will feel the simultanious dread and wonder that I'm alive again and there is another day to live where there will be life on earth. Dawn is the best time to determine your character, as light baptizes you. There's a certain signifigance of seeing the first moments of morning - there's a reason you're catching that moment; it doesn't tend to be coincidental, and even if you think so, I suggest you think twice.

Monday, August 16, 2010


I don't want you to get caught up in my mistakes. See, I feel like I'm about to jump off a cliff, and there's fog ahead of me, and I know how risky this is, 'cause I don't know what I'm jumping towards exactly. But I don't wanna stay waiting on that edge, because I'm bored of it! I'm so ready to just jump... and I'm waiting for myself to go... but I stay rooted in where I am nonetheless. And now this metaphor has gone beyond my control 'cause I have too many things on my mind to keep track of who is the cliff and who is the fog and why i can't jump.
I have to admit that before there is safety there is always the risk, but why am I so reluctant to take it now? Every time we speak I know this is what I want to be jumping to, but I can only hope that it's right. I've waited for the sake of morality, I've taken it slowly for the sake of evaluation. Now I have to see that the right thing for me would be to start learning how to drown again, rather than let the lake dry up.

Thursday, August 12, 2010


You gotta trust SOMEONE in life. Everyone is human, everyone has their own personal motives and everyone is gonna lie. But there has to be at least one person, that you take the risk with. The risk in believeing that human harshness will be set aside, for the quality that makes us remotely functional as a soceity of animals. The quality that makes us want to look out for each other, and care about each others' well being. To believe in that quality in other people, is to trust them. Because the only time you would ever need someone else's trust, is in the protection of your own feelings, future, or material objects. Trust is either entirely emotional or forced by a feeling of morality. At that point, the person is taking care of you because of some feeling of debt to themselves or the world, and based on their own beliefs. Most people are not like this however.
Trust is a necissary part of survival. People like to trust in other people, but there tends to be a lot of wariness. There is no way to determine for sure what's going to happen. You can look at statistics of whether this person has been reported to be trustworthy, but you never know for sure - humans are unpredictable. But if you don't trust SOMEONE, you can never create relationships, and you will end up carrying a lot of weight and secrets on your own, which never ends well.