Thursday, August 26, 2010


For some reason, this never made it up when it was written - May 6, 2010. Felt like sharing:
February was the last of the good old days
Before everyone went and changed their ways
I can't believe we have slipped into this phase
What happened to our innocent lunchtimes at Ray's?
Seems that sex has gotten everyone crazed
Taking full advantage of the world that we made

But it's not just a gain
Apparently it's a trade
Because in exchange
We are losing things
And which one is better?
It's hard to say
I'm just looking up at quotes
From last February

I'm feeling nostolgic
Cuz though times are great
I also have time to appreciate
When the weather was cold
There were sweet couples
We had principles
Not just hooking up with people
There was hope and chance
Actual romance
And comparitively things were so relaxed
Or maybe I'm just mourning lost time
And judging motives
Since I have lost mine.


Lola Bellybutton said...

oh god lili...
you have actual rhyming talent!
and most people don't. I remember discovering this once or twice before, but forgetting it because you don't post rhymes often. You could be like a female michael franti! with your drums and rhythm and dancing and raps! And I will film all your music videos...
Seriously lili, this is amazing. I absolutely love it especially since I can't rhyme for my life. :)

Mountain Spirit said...

haha female michael franti? aw thx... tht wud be incredible if I think about it...

I still feel wierd posting things that rhyme even though i write a lot of it, but thank you, this has reassured me that it's not the end of the world
and yes you WILL film my music videos!!! :D

Lola Bellybutton said...

oo, please can we???
i'm more than half-serious...
write me a song and I'll sing it for you!

paschervente2012 said...

Maillot De Bain pas cher Vente de chaussures femmes, hommes et enfants ,C'est genial ! Merci pour une transaction tres positive.