Friday, June 25, 2010


Like warm water
Poured into a bowl
Set out to sit
In the spring

That first touch
So welcoming and soothing
So strong
That season.

But spring is not summer
And it's not fire, it's water
Spring has breezes
Water cools
However long it takes until
The tub of water does not fulfill

Then the replacement so shocking
Bizarre in its blizzard ways
Exhilerating in its first wonder
Leaving with an unusual sting

And a slap in the face
So here you are with confusion
Snow that was your friend
Five minutes ago

Doesn't mean the blizzard
Is any less than the bowl
But the water's gentleness was comforting
This blizzard is foreign

While you know you must take chances
Because that water is getting to be cold
Somehow drowning in cold water
Is more reassuring
Than the bipolar storm.

1 comment:

Lola Bellybutton said...

i really like "bizarre in it's blizzard ways". great imagery and wording. also "col water is more reassuring than the bipolar storm".