Friday, July 30, 2010


I love Lola. Lola is my dearest close friend who I miss a lot right now. Lola is the reason I haven't posted in weeks, because she is the only one who reads this, so I figured it would be a waste of time to post a bunch while she was away. Lola should be home soon, with her brother, and our friend. I miss them all. But most of all, I miss Lola.
My love and wistfulness for Lola, has inspired this blog post. Actually, I've been wanting to write this for a few days now, but I restrained myself, thinking it was just a little bit creepy. However, I can't take it anymore and this is the only way I can think to cope with the fact that she is away from me and I can't talk to her about the things on my mind and closest to my heart. Moreover, she is not here to give me my morning rant about what aggravates her today, the drug qualities found in random foods, and how her family has done her wrong. Which is equally disappointing because I have become quite fond of those rants.
So I hope that when Lola sees this, she can interpret it as a tribute of love and longing, not creepiness.
I'm not even entirely sure Lola will see this, because I'm not sure if Lola is going to keep blogging when she comes home. I know I am on the verge of creating a new blog which will be completely different from this one, in style and content. But as for Lola's plans, I am not sure. I miss you Lola. Please come home.
Love, Flower.

1 comment:

Lola Bellybutton said...

Flower, I almost cried while reading this. I've just been through a whole lot of emotions in the past days FILLED with crying, and now here you are. I love you. I hope you got my letter. I'm back, I'm home, I'm here! I missed you so much, and believe me, I have plans for blogger as well. something new just up my sleeve. We must meet before monday, ok?
forever and always.