Friday, August 6, 2010


I do not want to talk to anyone. You think you have a hilarious story to tell me, but trust me, there is nothing funny about it. You think I'm depressed and need someone to talk to but I really just want you to get the f*** out of my face. No, I don't know why I'm crying. I don't care about what you did today. I'm not going to go do that with you, because I'm sick of you and I don't like you. So do yourself a favor and leave me alone.
I'm angry at everyone but they didn't do anything and there's nothing they can do to fix it. I just want to lay on my bed and cry, and I hate crying. I don't want to read a book, or watch TV, or do anything to try and cheer myself up. Honestly, the only thing I'm up for right now, is an Eminem song and a hot shower.
Or a cold one - cold showers are even better.


Lola Bellybutton said...

you captured it completely. I cry but I get mad because I'm crying and I know the reason why, but I can't do anything about it. I'm tired, and smiling hurts but I've got to do it because if I don't, I'll snap and someone and that won't be good. I want to to take a bath so badly, that's all I want, but for reasons you can deduce, that really is not a smart idea. So I eat bananas instead. Lots and lots of bananas.

Mountain Spirit said...

haha bananas :D but yea... very similar experiences between us. so much fun being a girl..

Lola Bellybutton said...

u betcha.