Tuesday, May 25, 2010


I met you briefly in a darkened room. There was a crowd of unknown people, an embarrassment, a cake, and tension. Names whirled by and I saw your upturned face, smiling. At the time, all I could remark was yes, you were pretty, but I didn't put much more thought into it. I was focusing on the burning discomfort that I didn't know how to handle. Because I was here for her and I wasn't going to let anything else take me away from feeling the strongest love for her; after all, I had a guilt trip running longer than any jog-a-thon champion. So, in a desperation to not let the sixteen days since I'd been speechless effect me, I chatted with the others, hugged those who were familiar, and let you all wander around in a buzz around me. Because when I saw your face, in the dim light for a second, the last thing I thought was that you would soon become the next target, my next enemy. I didn't realize what was about to happen, what would ineffectually pierce my flesh. Retrospect haunts me now, because I wonder what it would have been like, to know that within a week, you would be a key part in my life attitude.

1 comment:

Lola Bellybutton said...

what in the world was that about? incredibly intrigued...