Saturday, May 15, 2010


We walk by people every day, and almost as often, meet new people. New names and identities enter our consciousness, even if only for a second. They are the insignificant people in our lives, acquaintances and strangers, and then there are the main characters, friends, family, lovers, and even teachers I guess. Who present a more prominent and effective role in our lives. But really, every one of the main characters started out as one of the nobodys you passed, and didn't think much about, who you had a one word opinion about and never really looked further. Because there was no reason to look further, because they didn't ever come into contact with you, or anything you did. They existed within one random moment like an extra in a movie. Then, you wake up, and a bunch of those people are close to you now, changing your life and the way you think, taking you in all new directions and becoming important. Who would have thought, when you first glanced at this person, that they would become your best friend, or you best advisor? And this will happen again - people we may know right now, as vaguely associated with some other part of life, may come to have a starring role. Then you'll look back and see how the world can revolve and take us to people, who it would appear, were always meant to be a part of your history. I find this intensely amusing.


Lola Bellybutton said...

well it sometimes happens like that and it sometimes happens like true love at first sight--you see a person and you know that they will become your best friend, worst enemy, wisest teacher,etc.
But I think that's dangerous, because if you pin a label on someone and expect something of them, for example for them to be your soulmate buddy, it may not work and you may just be there, trying to crush your two puzzle pieces enough to fit together, when really all you're doing is causing pain and grinding off little bits of eachother, forever lost. just saying.

Mountain Spirit said...

wait are you saying that **I** try to prematurely pin labels on people? cuz i dont. I'm just recognizing that anyone could suddenly become important in your life and you never know...

Lola Bellybutton said...

no of course not *you*. just in general. it was just where my thoughts were winding. I actually was *just* saying. :)