Saturday, May 8, 2010


Most people will admit to making mistakes in time. It can be what's blamed for the misfortune that comes to you - it's because you made some mistake in your past. Generally, these mistakes mean you did something that you thought was a good idea at the time, but turn out to be things that hurt you, someone else, or just the situation in general. No one would make mistakes if they were able to recognize them at the moment. Mistakes tend to be seen in the past, after you've already seen the damage, and then connect the misfortune to a prior action. The thing is, every action you make, doesn't have just one reflective reaction. One action can cause multiple overlapping reactions for months or years to come. And out of those multiple reactions, there can be the positive and negative ones. Sometimes the positive ones, do more than just cancel out a negative one before it. Mistakes that cause sadness one day, cause more happiness than would have been possible before you made that mistake. So how much of a mistake is it then? Actions that cause damage, but then benefit you as well. Being able to tell what was a mistake and what was actually better in the long run, I think is impossible up until the day your life is over. It depends on the final result which we'll never be able to evaluate.


Lola Bellybutton said...

which mistake are you alluding to? which one do you think you have made? I hope you're not talking about this whole boyfriend situation...

Mountain Spirit said...

whoa whoa whoa for the first time in my entire life i was NOT talking about a boy. i was speaking in general. i promise. by the boyfriend situation you mean the drama w/ur brother?
I was just reviewing various things i think of as mistakes of mine..

Lola Bellybutton said...

ok, lol. just guessing. I sorta wondered if u thought that by dating him in the first place, htat started it with carmel and then lilah, and then drama with u guys and if u thought it was a mistake.

Mountain Spirit said...

can i say their names? are you talking about milo or isaac? I'm not sure about anything involving them, what was a mistake and what wasn't. that's where my post applies. being able to tell if anyone going out with anyone was a mistake or not, isn't something i will be able to do until i can see the greater effects of it on our lives. which may be minimal, but this is just an example.