Friday, November 28, 2008

The Sky is Maroon

My dearest Sam posted on her blog a statement about truth. I would just like to respond to that.
Truth exists. It's just not truth for everyone. Everyone has their own personal truth, and it is truth, it's just that you can never tell the whole truth to anyone but yourself. And even then, we have a tendency to lie to ourselves. And that is truth. Funny to think of it that way, being told 'tell the truth' and them expecting to hear an answer. So if you saw the sky as being maroon, and you said "The sky is maroon" then that would be the truth. Your truth. It just so happens that we all identify the color of the sky to be a shade of blue. Everything emerges from perspective, and truth is part of that everything. Next time someone asks you for the truth, ask: "Your truth, or mine?"

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