Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Wondering how to tell the difference between kindness and sympathy. Kindness: the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate. Sympathy: feelings of pity and sorrow for someone ele's misfortune.
But how exactly do you know if one's actions are from sympathy or from kindness, if both make sense? Couldn't one's kindness invoke a higher sense of sympathy, that even though used for good purposes, is disorienting? Just in a general sense. Sympathy can either be greatly appreciated, or embarassing and insulting. I mean, it tends to imply, you're in a bad situation, and the other one isn't. But if that sympathy is the kind that accentuates differences and status, it is a horrible trait. It's not "oh, you broke your arm, how horrible" kind of sympathy. Nonetheless, it may be the sweet humaine sympathy that it is, and on a cold October afternoon it can be quite the chicken soup.

Friday, October 23, 2009


I sailed the ocean blue, days and nights, love and sad, searching for the thing that would make me feel complete - for more than an hour. And finally, while flipping my head around along with ten other people one night, I discovered. Honesty. It is that honesty that never exists but is constantly strived for. And once this is found, discussed and enjoyed, life is so much easier in a way. While, most of the time, we will feel let down, disappointed, insulted, etc, at least the suspicion is gone! At least the little bugger at the back of your head will finally have something for fact, instead of working itself into a state of Chicken Little. (The sky is falling! The sky is falling!) Alas, when are human beings ever honest? It's too much of a risk.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Hey. Wats up. Nothing much, just contemplating every word I hear. Yeah. That's cool. I hear you are constantly confused. That's right. It sucks. Be right back. I'm back, lets talk. About what? Anything. Who are you mad at? You. As usual. Not true! So true. At who? Either one of you; the world. You make no sense. That's okay. Okay? It's great. You realize this is a dream anyway? I get it! Me too! Congrats. Ditto. 8:37pm.

Friday, October 16, 2009


So what if you had this clay blob. And you realized that this little clay blob, much the substance of jello, was lopsided, and leaning too much to the right. But you didn't quite realize that it was the RIGHT that it was leaning towards, so you continue to prod it to the right, thinking that it's going to become better. Then, what if, one night, walking down a deserted subway platform, you think -what if what you need, is to lean more to the left? Since you thought going right was going to make things even, let's try something new. Try not making an effort to succeed, and maybe, there was not that much wrong to begin with. So pressing a little back to the left, brings you closer to the beginning of this insane journey, which, ironically, seems to be just the right place. And no longer askew - whatsoever.

Monday, October 12, 2009


I have so many regrets I dont know what to do with myself anymore. I don't know why I did those things... they seemed like a good idea at the moment! And of course, now, i walk down the hall with all the trillions of mistakes, staring me down. Even if they're not in the eyes of others, they're on the walls. They ridicule every step I take. What if it was wrong? What can they see? And now that we're nearing midnight, I am haunted. I want to scream to them all, that it was not a good idea! S***, I don't even know quite what I'm saying anymore. Just - don't judge. And every word I say is documented to use against me, everything I say, how do I know where it goes from there? People kidnap my words, and take them elsewhere. My ind runs with thoughts, pleas, so fast, that I almost say them. But then I'd just be that much more crazy.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


You make me cry.
When I just think about your existance
When I hear your words and
know that you're alive.
You confuse me.
You make me angry
And I will hate you,
until I realize,
I have no reason to.
You make me happy.
I'll float
You'll see
I'll hide if I can
But you know I can't.
You make the air cold.
I'm loosing it right now
Don't want another winter

Monday, October 5, 2009


Oh. Of course there are no new comments. I haven't posted in ages. I guess my list of things to automatically post in the future ran out. I'll have to make a new one when i have some free time. Which is never until I get into high school. Or perfect my typing enough to not put an 'e' or 't' at the end of every word without need. It happens when I'm too tired. And resist the need to shorten my words into text dialect, and type properly with good grammar. Because on my blog is the only place where I do it. Now, all of my blogger companions, for the most part, are also under high school stress, so they understand, I hope. I've been having poetic epiphanies, which you may see soon. Or if not, I have a couple of teasers from stories I've written that might eventually end up here. Now, I hav algebra and House to watch.