Monday, September 6, 2010


This is the end... of my time writing here.
I refuse
To be subject to the forces of habit
To be pulled back in like the tide
To give up like some weak-willed wuss
Or to be bullied into saying what I should say

Because regardless of what vocabulary I have
What I choose to say is what is going on in my head
And when I say it
It means
Who I am.

And sometimes you need that period
At the end of a sentence
For finality
Because sometimes leaving it too open ended
Leaves too much room for misinterpretation
This is something that needs to be understood clearly:

I've felt every way possible about this
There's not an option I haven't tested
Not a rocket I haven't seen come crashing down
But still nothing to show for it

Not much has changed and I wish it would
Ten months ago I was wishing myself out of a rut
Now I'm in it
A new one
And I want out again

So I can discover a new rut
To get caught in
Lost in
And re-found
Not just a rebound
Feeling like I should reread this
To see how it sounds
Feeling awkward 'cause somethings rhyme
And others just plain don't

As if looking over what I've already touched on
Was gonna help me discover what my next subject is
Sometimes you gotta ignore where you've been
And accept you're going someplace entirely different

So I dare myself to shut it out
And just say whatever non-related bull that comes forth
And I dare myself to cope with a mix
Of the old
And the new
Because it is the cowards who try to define
Spaces of time
And box people into them too
And box emotions
And memories

Am I capable of letting this happen?
I'm ashamed of my reoccurring patterns
Like I said
I've tried everything

The worst part is the dependency
Which I'm showing right now
This horrible display of dysfunctionality
Apparently that's not a word
It should be.
That is me.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I used to ride the train home from Kindergarten at the same hour that the high schoolers took the 1 train back uptown. I was about... four feet, clinging to a pole and looking up at giants. There was a girl in skinny jeans and bright white Nikes. She had the most perfect curly hair that was always perfectly tousled and was wearing gold hoops, and a backpack thrown over her arm. The subway car would be packed in tight, so that everything was dark at my height - people's legs and bags. So I would just look up at her, with the perfect hair and the perfect look, surrounded by her girlfriends who were laughing, and she was laughing too, a big beautiful smile, with gum tucked in the back. And in front of her was some guy leaning against the subway door, flirting with her and she just kept laughing back. And these people were in some realm of superiority, which seemed like perfection, and where everyone should land in by the time they were teenagers. At that age, being a teenager, was one notch below a deity. It was a place I dreamed of, when I would be at the peak of life and freedom and identity. And beyond that, when I had my identity, I knew exactly who I would be. I wanted to be her.