Sunday, August 30, 2009


Guess what. You guys are lucky today, on account of me, spending all last night organizing my goals, and worrying and whatnot. So you don't have to hear it! (applause). There's just one little downside. I'm uninspired. I really can't think of anything to blog about. My chalkboard, cable box, the SAB poster on my wall even though I hate SAB? I want to do my nails. It's one of my favorite girly-girl activities. I have several new shades of purple, and a green. I am obsessed with the color purple, did you know that? Since Kindergarten. And you know what else? My room is painted orange. Which is why my colors are purple and orange. And green. I'm not sure how green got tossed in there, but it did. So how about I pose a question to make this post a bit interesting. Do you have color(s) you associate yourself with, like a high school team might? And do you paint your nails that color if at all?
Sorry for this lameness.


Persephone said...

each color in a different way-
i like the almost fake-looking green of grass in the summer, i like the gray of old, sun-bleached roads, i like the pink of apples, i like the red of fancy cars, i like the yellow of my mind, and i like dark, deep blue-purple, like a mood ring that can't make up its mind.

Lola Bellybutton said...

I like ur colors, wizardress. every single shade of color is my color, or more rather, I am their's. My favorite color changes each day. today, mine is eggshell white. I paint my nails silver mostly.